Embrace the good life & take back your time!

Your Back-to-School Landscape Guide

Written by Marty McTime | Aug 21, 2023 2:17:16 PM

Hey there, fellow green-thumbs! The bell's ringing, and class is in session for our land and landscapes, and you know what that means: it's time to get those lawns and gardens back to school ready! 🌳🎓

So grab your notepad; we'll drop some knowledge to keep your landscape thriving throughout the changing seasons. Don't worry; we've got everything from A to Z in our landscape-lovers syllabus.

1. Have Your Ticonderoga #2 Pencil at the ready? Schedule Your Essential Lawn Services:
Like any well-prepared student, your lawn needs its tools to succeed. So, have you snagged these essentials?

  • Weekly Mowing
    • Benefit: Take back your time while keeping your lawn consistently beautiful and healthy.
    • Schedule by: asap
    • Optimal target service date range: April 1st – October 15th
  • Fall Aeration
    • Benefit: Enhance soil health and enable your lawn to breathe
    • Schedule by: September 4th
    • Optimal target service date range: September 1st - October 15th
  • Fall Fertilization
    • Benefit: Boost your lawn's growth and vibrancy for a lush green look all year round.
    • Schedule by: September 4th
    • Optimal target service date range: September 1st - October 15th
  • Fall Overseeding (Includes Double-Pass Aeration)
    • Benefit: Ensure a dense, thriving lawn resilient to wear and tear.
    • Schedule by: September 4th
    • Optimal target service date range: September 1st - October 15th
  • Weed Control
    • Benefit: Keep unwanted weed growth at bay.
    • Schedule by: as needed
    • Optimal target service date range: as needed
  • Yard Cleanup
    • Benefit: Allow your landscape to thrive without unwanted debris
    • Schedule by: Sept 4th
    • Optimal target service date range: November 1st - December 23rd

2. A Good Student Definitely Wouldn’t Forget Their Sprinklers 💧
We mean getting those sprinkler systems ready for winter and next season. You wouldn't leave your textbooks out in the snow, so why let your sprinkler system freeze up? Schedule your blowout with us, and we'll make sure your system stays protected. Also, consider any upgrades and repairs before your system goes into school hibernation.

  • Sprinkler Winterization
    • Benefit: Protect your investment and avoid freeze damage, a Colorado must!
    • Schedule by: Sept 4th
      • Sprinkler Winterization is our most booked service
    • Optimal target service date range: October 1st - November 15th
    • Here are some useful dates for Colorado:
      • Average First Freeze: October 12th
      • Earliest First Freeze: September 9th (2020)
      • Latest First Freeze: November 6th (2015)
        • If you cannot schedule your winterization within the first freeze, don’t panic! If you follow our guide to Gravity Draining your system, you can typically save your exposed sprinkler system elements from the first freeze; deep freeze damage under the ground will take much more time from more extended freeze periods.
  • Irrigation Audit/Repair
    • Benefit: Optimize your water usage and irrigation system performance, saving resources.
    • Schedule by: as needed
      • *If you have any repairs you need, be sure to schedule asap before you winterize your system so we can check your coverage, sprinkler heads, and for any leaks while the water is running.
    • Optimal target service date range: Before October 15th
  • Smart Sprinkler Upgrade
    • Benefit: Deploy efficient watering tailored to your landscape's unique needs and the weather.
    • Schedule by: asap
    • Optimal target service date range: Before October 15th

3. The Lawn Enhancement Shopping List  🛒
Okay, let's face it, we all love a good shopping list.  These landscape enhancements are perfect for giving your yard a "pick-me-up," like the pencils and notebooks you'll "pick up" for back to school!

  • Mulch Refresh
    • Benefit:  Keeps the soil cool, like shades for your plants
    • Schedule by: October 1st
    • Optimal target service date range: October 1st - March 31st
  • Planting
    • Benefit: Bring your vision to life by adding aesthetic improvements.
    • Schedule by: yesterday ;)
    • Optimal target service date range: May 1st - September 31st
  • Rock Refresh
    • Benefit: Add or refresh a natural touch that's attractive and low-maintenance.
    • Schedule by: asap
    • Optimal target service date range: October 1st - March 31st
  • Fabric Replacement
    • Benefit: Keeps weeds at bay in your landscape beds
    • Schedule by: October 1st
    • Optimal target service date range: October 1st - March 31st
  • Lawn Repair
    • Benefit: Revive damaged or thinning areas with our lawn repair
    • Schedule by: asap
    • Optimal target service date range: May 1st - September 31st

4. Brrr… it’s Cold In Class 🥶
Can someone turn on the… wood furnace?! Wait.. what year is it?! Well, unless you go to school in a log cabin up in the Colorado mountains, you might not have to worry about that, but still stay inside, stay warm (or at least don’t get caught up on chores when it snows, find your favorite sledding hill and let ACA give you time back this winter:

  • Snow Removal
    • Benefit: Beat the cold and let ACA remove snow that creates a safety hazard
    • Request quote by: October 1st
    • Optimal target service date range: November 1st - March 31st

We believe in lifelong learning in the classroom and the garden. Stay connected with ACA Landscape, and we'll keep you posted on the latest tips, tools, and techniques to keep your lawn earning top grades.

Alright, gardeners and lawn enthusiasts, buckle up! Your Back-to-School Checklist is fired up, ready to roll, and hotter than a Colorado summer's day. And hey, with all the heat, remember, those smart upgrades are not just a cool trend; they're future-proofing 101.

Need more guidance? Just like that favorite teacher, we're here for you. Reach out to our crew at A Cut Above Landscape, and we'll make sure your lawn's report card is filled with straight A's. Because, you know, we don't just cut the grass; we cultivate success.

Class dismissed! 🎓🌳